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Member of the Lowconstrutores Descalzos group from July 2013 to December 2013.



Formed since 2012, Low Constructores Descalzos is a collective project of people that want to combine experience, intuition, tradition and community envolvement together in a perspective of construction and architecture that is completly integrated in a permacultural perspective. 


It is a "nomad" innitiative, where the group, in a constant moving process, goes to different places and either gives courses on different thematics - greenroof, earth building, erath stoves, eco sanitation, etc - either works together with the locals in projects related to permaculture within the perspective of self management and autonomy. It is a group formed in Brazil, from different people, with different educations, that once lived in TIBA (tecnologia Intuitiva e BioArquitectura) and found an alternative way of understanding the relation between human intervention and natural environments.
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